Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
the blank, white page.
The cursor flashes on the blank, white page
daring me to type, to write, to speak
what’s on my mind, what’s in my heart.
Like a second Eliot, another Prufrock, I ask myself:
“Do I dare?”
“Do I dare disturb the universe?”
If I capture what I want to say in black text upon this white page,
If I set my thoughts adrift into this vast expansive sea of information,
full of more important thoughts, more eloquent words,
will it matter?
Or, I could so easily
these words. No one would know the difference anyway.
Will their impact be missed?
Do I dare suppose I have anything important to say,
anything worth reading to write?
Can this small voice help answer the “overwhelming question?”
Can my two cents help bring order to this apparent chaos?