Monday, August 22, 2011

"If you want a relationship to have purpose and meaning, it cannot be isolated from your ultimate purpose and meaning in life. God Himself said that it is not good for you to be alone. But that desire for union must first be filled by Him. Before you can truly love a man, God wants you to be secure and content in His love alone. Only then will you be able to allow Him to love others through you.Otherwise, a relationship can take the place of God. Instead of being a reflection of God's love, it becomes a replacement for Him. After all, no man's affections can replace the security of knowing the love of God. If your relationship with God is secondary to your relationship with a man, the human relationship can grow into an idol. It will reign over your heart and dictate your level of happiness. Not only is this unfair to the man, it will ultimately end in disappointment. For things to run smoothly, put God first and let Him worry about the rest."
- How to Find Your Soul-mate Without Losing Your Soul, by Jason and Crystalina Evert

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