Friday, August 30, 2013

Asking for Help

I think there's a lot to be learned from children.

This week, the lesson I'm taking from my 1 month old son is how to ask for what I need.

Babies don't hesitate to ask for what they need. (Don't believe me? Come on over and spend a couple hours with my adorable, but often fussy, baby.) They aren't inhibited by a fear of seeming needy or weak or of pushing the ones they love away because they are asking for too much. They simply cry out. True, it's not always clear what they need at a particular moment, but it is always clear that they need something. And, although I would deny it if you asked me at 2am when my son is wailing because he wants to eat again, there's something beautiful about being able to cry out for help without any fear of rejection or denial. I suppose those fears are only half of the problem; sometimes it's my own stubbornness that gets in the way of asking for what I need. Sometimes I refuse to ask for help because I don't want to admit I can't do it on my own. Sometimes I refuse to ask for help because I want help to be offered without my having to ask for it. How immature is that? It's funny to think that an infant's response to need-- wailing--is more appropriate than my fearful or prideful response--shutting down and refusing to ask for help, while feeling resentful because help hasn't been offered.

My prayer for this week~

Lord, teach me to cry out without reservations when I need help. Give me the grace to let go of my fears and my pride. In times of need remind me that it is good to ask for help and that you have placed so many loving people in my life who are ready to help me as soon as I let them know what I need. Thank you for little children who teach us what it means to depend on You, our Father.

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