Sunday, December 18, 2011

Write Your Love on My Heart

This verse keeps popping up again and again in my mind and on my heart:

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
1 John 3:1

I think the language really makes it stick for me-
lavished- what a beautiful word! (lavish: to expend or give in great amounts or without limit)The Father has not just given us this great love, He has lavished it on us; He has poured His love on us without limit. How incredible is that!?

And that is what we are- John leaves no room for interpretation here. We aren't "like" children of God; we don't appear to be children of God; we ARE children of God. Plain and simple. John's words are plain and simple, but to be able to wrap your mind around the truth he is expressing isn't so simple.

It makes me wonder, do I live every moment of every single day in the truth that I am a child of God? Do I understand what that means? Have I accepted the truth that God has lavished His great love on me, even when I don't necessarily feel it? How should this truth affect the way I live? How should it affect the way I treat others? Do I recognize that every person I encounter is just as much a child of God as I am? If God has lavished each and every person with this great love, who am I to give anything less than all the love I have to each of my brothers and sisters?

1 comment:

Amber said...

I love this. It's something I think of often! Thank you for sharing. So beautiful!